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Funding Opportunities

Regions and Communities will play a crucial role in preparing Europe for future challenges in respect to climate change. Their challenges and ambitions are well understood on European and national level and there is a strong political support for the regions. On European level for example the European Mission Adaptation to Climate Change aims to “Support at least 150 European regions and communities to become climate resilient by 2030”.

Besides the political support on European and national level, financial support is available from various sources to support regional climate resilience ambitions. REGILIENCE developed a funding tool to raise awareness of available financial on European and national level dedicated to support regional climate resilience.

How to use the REGILIENCE Funding Opportunities repository?

Funding opportunities are available for all different stages of the implementation, for different sectors and for various type of organisations. Use the search function to screen the whole database of funding opportunities or search the different categories by using the arrow next to the search bar. Click on the link to access the dedicated leaflet of each funding opportunity for more information.

To better understand our leaflets please check the guide below:

You can also consult the following useful links to make the best application out of your ideas on the European Commission funding and tenders page or on the dedicated how to apply page. You examples for good proposals on the Innovation Fund – Best practices from previous Calls for Proposals page. You can also leave us a message in the contact form below.


Table of funding opportunities:

The following table summarises information on European and national funding opportunities and shall provide you guidance on the identification of potential funding sources. The decision to apply should not be solely based on the information provided in the overview. Neither REGILIENCE, nor the authors can take any legal responsibility in case of an unsuccessful application. 



Do you need any support?

Please leave your request below:

Funding Opportunities Form