Reports and findings
The following publications are available (check always the latest version/update):*
- Structured overview of activities in Innovation Packages (D3.1, 2022)
- Concept note for the indicator set (D3.2, 2022)
- Indicator set (D3.3, 2023)
- Principles and practices of transformational pathways (D4.1, 2022)
- Resilience planning & development needs of regional authorities and stakeholders (D1.1, 2022)
- Performance and impact review of online platforms (D2.1, 2022)
- Mapping of relevant funding and financing opportunities (D2.3, 2022)
- Institutional coordination and cooperation with Innovation Packages, other H2020 projects and initiatives – V1 (D5.3, 2023)
- Networking activities, including their description and evaluation v1 (D1.3, 2023)
Long term sustainability and exploitation strategy (D4.4, 2023)
Lessons learnt and insights for the funding of climate resilience (D2.4, 2023)
Engagement of citizens, v.1 (D1.5, 2023)
Stakeholder Engagement, Communication and Dissemination Plan, with timelines and design v1 (D1.2, 2023)
- Capacity building activities, including their description & evaluation, v.1 (D1.4)
Sustainability plan for the continuation and uptake of the platform (D2.5, 2023)
Report/manual ‘How to avoid maladaptation’ (D3.4, 2023)
- Decision support matrices (D4.2, 2024)
- Prioritisation strategy (D4.3, 2024)
*Please note that the publications are still subject to the European Commission’s approval.
The following publications will be added as they become available:
- Long-term sustainability and exploitation strategy (D4.4)
- Capacity building activities, including their description & evaluation_v.2 (D1.10)
- Engagement of citizens_v.2 (D1.12)
- Stakeholder Engagement, Communication and Dissemination Plan, with timelines and design_v.2 (1.6)
- Networking activities, including their description and evaluation_v.2 (D1.8)
- Institutional coordination and cooperation with Innovation Packages, other H2020 projects and initiatives_v.2 (D5.5)
- Capacity building activities, including their description & evaluation_v.3 (D1.11)
- Engagement of citizens_v.3 (D1.13)
- Networking activities, including their description and evaluation_v.3 (D1.9)
- New platform or enhancement tools (D2.2)
- Finalised indicator set and monitoring road maps (D3.5)
- Stakeholder Engagement, Communication and Dissemination Plan, with timelines and design_v.3 (D1.7)
- Institutional coordination and cooperation with Innovation Packages, other H2020 projects and initiatives_v.3 (D5.6)