On 24 November 2021, during a one-day event, REGILIENCE took part in the HE Climate Adaptation Mission Workshop, which took place online due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The workshop was also attended by the 3 regional resilience projects – ARSINOE, IMPETUS, TransformAr. Apart from representatives of REGILIENCE and the 3 Horizon 2020 “Regional resilience” projects, the event was also attended by representatives of DG CLIMA, DG RTD and CINEA.
The workshop started early in the morning and everyone’s spirits were high!
The workshop was divided into 2 main sessions. The goal of the first session was to discuss the potential synergies, gaps and overlaps between the projects. The first session turned out very fruitful – topics such as steps towards strengthening the combined action and impact of the four Horizon 2020 “Regional resilience” projects, establishing synergies and common fronts between the projects to work together in the elaboration of specific technology, knowledge sharing, dissemination and communication, and exploitation roadmaps were discussed.
As per the second session, the main goal discussed was about shaping the pathway for combining action and increased impact from the four Horizon 2020 “Regional Resilience Projects”. This was achieved by understanding the ambition of the ‘Mission Adaptation’ and the project’s expectations, together with an exchange of good practices and ideas, and combining possible contributions from each of the involved projects to the ‘Mission Adaptation’.
The participants were really pleased with the outcome of the workshop and all the discussions that were formed. Everyone was excited about joining forces and agreed that in order to maximise the impact of the projects and strengthen the engagement of regions, close collaboration between all is needed.
REGILIENCE is made of a solid consortium of 9 partners, led by IEECP with the engagement of networks (FEDARENE, ICLEI, R-CITIES, F6S) and knowledge holders from science and practice (FC.ID, adelphi, REGEA, FT), within 5 work packages and 18 tasks, building on each other.
Keep up to date with the REGILIENCE project actions, follow us on Linkedin and Twitter.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101036560.