The REGILIENCE team is pleased to announce the first Open Training Session (OTS) of our series of capacity-building events for regional actors working on climate adaptation. This session will be focused on the EU resilience landscape and explore highly innovative EU initiatives and projects. We will provide guidance on where to get support with respect to your current challenges and needs and highlight opportunities to boost your climate resilience developments.
Welcome and introduction | Moderator: Matthias Watzak-Helmer (FEDARENE)
Presentation of the EU resilience landscape | Johannes KLUMPERS (DG CLIMA)
REGILIENCE and the first Adaptation Mission projects cluster | Jole LUTZU (ICLEI Europe)
Presentation of the Mission Implementation Platform for Climate Adaptation (MIP4Adapt): | Richard SMITHERS (Ricardo Energy & Environment)
Covenant of Mayors – Policy Support Facility | Alison De Luise (Covenant of Mayors)
Wrap-up and closing | Matthias Watzak-Helmer (FEDARENE)
Click here to register
Will be available soon.
Will be available soon.
The sessions are conceived including a lot of interactions with the audience. In addition to the many opportunities you will have to give your opinion and feedback, you will also be able to vote on the topics to be tackled during the second cycle.
On this page, you can see the Open Training Sessions (OTS) available for all interested parties, that will take place between March 2023 and 2025. The sessions are organised in a series of ten online events divided into two cycles.