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REGILIENCE & University of Lisbon are inviting you to apply for the Autumn Training Course on Climate Risk Management

The Autumn Training Course “Climate Risk Management – Strategies and Tools for Regional and Local Challenges” represents an initiative promoted by the University of Lisbon and the REGILIENCE project, with the support of the European Union under the NextGenerationEU Recovery and Resilience Facility and the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change.

The course will be held between 11th and 17th of October, 2023 back-to-back with the 10th anniversary edition of the European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO 2023) 18-20 October, Cascais, Portugal, participants in the forum are welcome to apply.

Why Climate Risk Management?

Climate change is reshaping our world in profound ways, and the need to manage its associated risks has never been more crucial. The autumn training course on Climate Risk Management offers a unique opportunity to delve into the strategies and tools that can make a real difference in your work and organization.

As a policy issue, climate change relates to four key overarching issues:

  • The climate is changing;
  • Humans are causing the climate to change;
  • Socio-ecological consequences are highly uncertain and contentious but include the potential for very severe impacts;
  • There are already multiple and well characterised policy options for Climate Risk Management, with known strengths and weakness.

Climate Risk Management refers to activities and methods used by individuals and organizations to facilitate climate-resilient decision-making. No matter what sort of organisation you work in, you will be impacted in some way by the physical effects of our changing climate and/or by the wealth of regulations and targets societies will be increasingly required to meet.

The objective of the course is to explore why managing climate change risk is important to your work and organisation, and how to do it. The course is designed for climate change practitioners dealing with the practical challenges of Climate Risk Management.

Why Apply?

The Autumn Training Course on Climate Risk Management will offer:

  • Comprehensive Learning: The course will provide a comprehensive overview of Climate Risk Management, covering a range of topics and approaches that can be applied in real-world scenarios.
  • Networking: Participants will meet like-minded professionals, practitioners, and experts who are passionate about building climate resilience and will be able to exchange ideas, share experiences, and expand their professional network.
  • Interactive Experience: This is not a typical lecture-based course. The course will focus on interactive discussions, group activities, and hands-on learning, ensuring that participants will walk away with practical skills and actionable insights on climate risk management.
  • Tailored Approach: Participants can bring their regional or local Climate Risk Management challenges to the table. The program is designed to address specific concerns and provide targeted solutions.

Who Should Apply?

If you’re a professional dealing with climate risk management challenges, this program is tailor-made for you. Whether you work in central government, local administration, business, NGOs, media, or academia, the Autumn Training Course offers a dynamic platform to enhance your skills and strategies.

Details and Logistics

The Autumn Training course will take place from October 11th to October 17th, with sessions running from 9 am to 5.30 pm. The course will include group dinners, a field trip, and a mix of structured learning and informal networking.

Application Process and Fees

Applying for the Autumn Training Course is straightforward. Simply fill in a short problem statement, outlining your challenges and explaining how this program can help. Your acceptance will be based on the information you provide in this survey.

The application process is free, and if accepted, there is a modest enrollment fee of 5€ that covers insurance. The tuition fee for the course is 300€, which includes classes, materials, meals, and the field trip. Various discounts are available, making this opportunity accessible to a wide range of participants, as follows:

  • 10% – Non-partner companies that enroll 3 or more employees
  • 15% – Partners and collaborators (including associations and companies in which CIÊNCIAS participates)

The course will run with a minimum of 15 registered participants and maximum of 25.

Download the programme here.