The four sister projects – REGILIENCE, ARSINOE, Climate Impetus and TransformAR will attend the flagship ICLEI Europe event, host to local and regional governments seeking to shape a climate-resilient future in Athens, Greece on 14 and 15 September 2022. The event will be held at the Athens Technopolis.
This year the European Urban Resilience Forum (EURESFO) will be organized by ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability and the European Environment Agency (EEA), together with the help of REGILIENCE who will shape the programme assisting the core organizing Committee. Co-organiser will be the city of Athens.

“Southern and central European cities have faced extreme climate hazards over the last couple of years, such as the severe floods in Germany and the record-breaking heat waves and wildfires in Greece and Portugal! All these extreme events show that the need for preparedness against extreme hazards and for adaptation to the impacts of climate change is more relevant and crucial than ever.
The European Urban Resilience Forum 2022 is moving this year to Athens, Greece and will focus on a variety of topics – from the use of nature based solutions for disaster risk reduction to urban regeneration practices for healthy and prosperous communities and from social justice and gender inclusion to wildfire prevention and heat wave management! We look forward to welcoming participants in the Greek capital this September for another event, where cities talk to cities, while regions and communities are put in the spotlight and start preparing for the EU Adaptation Mission activities!”, says Vasileios Latinos, Urban Resilience and Adaptation Coordinator at ICLEI Europe and REGILIENCE Work Package leader.
The goal of the event is to serve as a unique exchange platform for city representatives, experts and stakeholders from local and regional institutions to discuss strategies, initiatives and actions for adapting to climate change, managing disasters and building urban resilience.
Some of the event’s highlights will be coastal resilience, tackling heat waves and wildfires, disaster risk reduction for safer and healthier communities, regional pathways towards resilience transformation, nature-based solutions for equitable development and many more!
Agenda coming soon, stay tuned!